
Join Ice and Fire Stav

Swedish Rune Stone



Ethical Bind Rune

Web of Orlog

Staff exercises

Ice and Fire Stav Membership is open to anyone with a serious interest in Stav.

Traditionally Stav was passed on through the family. When Stav was first taught in the UK most instruction took place in the context of martial arts training. In recent years it has been clear that some form of distance learning programme was needed. Online video, email, and facilities such as zoom are methods of communication which were unavailable twenty years ago. Today, these technologies have opened up new possiblities for teaching. However, there is still a benefit in receiving and studying printed materials, and greater value still in face to face instruction. In Ice and Fire Stav we teach using a combination of the latest technology, combined with traditional print, and opportunities for attending live seminars.

Ice and Fire Stav members receive the following benefits:

The Ice and Fire Stav Foundation Training Programme, which is delivered as nine modules sent in the post over a period of nine months. This programme provides a foundation in the practice of Stav which includes:

  • Building up a practice of performing the stances daily which is covered in the first four modules.
  • These first sections will also familiarise you with the history of Stav from myth, to legend, to history, and up to the present day.
  • You will also learn about the key sources of runic knowledge including the Volspa, Rigsthula, and the Havamal.
  • There is also an introduction to the basic concepts of Stav such as the idea of Orlog and the five principles of Stav.
  • The next four modules cover each rune, including meanings and associations, rune rhymes, mythology and the tree and animal associations.
  • The last modules will consider the key bind runes, making and using runes, and suggesting ways of furthering your practice.
  • Each module is supported by relevant online video material which show the stances and other relevant information
  • Priority booking and Discounted Rates on courses and seminars arranged by Ice and Fire Stav. For example the non–member rate for the 2023 Stav Camp is £90 but the member rate is £60.

    The Web of Wyrd, a monthly newsletter sent with your current module which will focus on a particular topic of interest to students of Stav. All previous editions are available in PDF format from the Ice and Fire Stav Members Area

    Members Only Website which gives access to an ever growing archive of video and text material, there are nearly 50 videos available through the members site varying in length from 90 seconds to over 30 minutes.

    How can I join?

    The cost is £7.50 per month and that will remain the price you pay for as long as you maintain your subscription, regardless of future increases for new memberships.

    However there is no notice required for cancelation of membership, should you choose to do so.

    Please join by using the subscription button below. Or please make contact by Email and ask for details of how to pay by cheque or standing order. The payment in advance for the year is £80 if paid by BACS or yearly standing order, please Email and ask for bank details.